A Search for Meaning

The crisp cold air and overcast sky blankets the park as I walk toward a bench that overlooks a frozen lake.
What is the meaning of a red rose? Perhaps love, passion, a proposal, a wedding, an anniversary, the remembrance of a loved one, or death.

Not everything has to have meaning
Does that mean it can’t have a story?
A rose on a wintery day has a story.

One cold winter morning as I walked the path around the lake, hands in my pockets and earbuds in drowning away my thoughts, I came upon a vibrant colored rose on the park bench. A little hope of resilience.
How odd. Three roses on one bench laid to rest. Could she have said yes? Did she say no and he gently place the roses down, almost in defeat? He succumbed to the realization this part of life, like sand slipping through an hourglass, has run out.
I captured the moment. Was this even a moment at all? What was once an ending for someone else could be a beginning for the next person. What does it all mean?
Rationale… the human brain constantly seeking answers, meaning, understanding of every little thing. WHY?
Our lives are filled with moments. Just as minutes and seconds in a day, so many happen all at once it’s hard to capture them all. So, we capture the good; forgetting the bad is what got us there.
I kept walking the path, occasionally smiling at passers by showing the best of me. Funny how the best of us can get us so far. One snapshot and you look back and think “how did I get here?”
What is the meaning of a frozen lake? Perhaps what’s underneath is what one thirsts for. But it’s iced over; a barricade that we carefully walk over, uncertain of the repercussions.

God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way.”- James 5:15
