
I have dated on and off for a few months after a long relationship. Online dating is the new thing. It's difficult to create a first impression through pictures and blurbs about yourself. People can sit at home and pick you apart, make fun of you or just pass you by with this method.  I have used networking, which in my opinion is the best. It's a breath of fresh air when two people can actually walk up to one another and start talking. No strings attached. It's a lost art. These experiences have been both beneficial and made me think. Many questions arise, when dating, that sometimes you don't think of.
First impressions are always important. Mainly one of the reasons why I actually care about what I look like when I go out most of the time, even if I am just sitting in a coffee shop making lesson plans.

We can think of dating like a job interview. You have a mental list of what you want (as an employer) and when people approach you (the employee), they put their best foot forward, presenting their "relationship resume." That's when you decide if you would like to be with this person or not.

I realized recently that I am a friend that listens. My friends call me and talk about their dating situations. After listening to the whole scenario comes: "What should I do?" Hmm... Not sure. I keep hearing the same things that happen to my friends, they also happen to me. Whether it is a woman or a man, when they lose interest they completely stop contacting you. As if to say, "I'm done. She will get the picture." And I'm on the other end of it thinking all of the scenarios that could be happening except for the one true fact that he has lost interest.

I'm a firm believer of the truth. I feel more upset and hurt when I have to assume or guess what is happening, rather then someone just saying to my face, "I'm sorry I can't make it tonight" or  "We shouldn't see each other anymore." What happened to expressing feelings? Are you afraid you are going to hurt mine? News Flash! You will anyway if we stop communicating!

This year instead of investing in a dating website like or any other, I've invested in dating advice. I think that putting these tips into perspective could actually work. It's funny how things work out. They say you should just do life and the person that is destined to be in it, will be. 
Mind blown!

I've been going out more and more just so I'm not stuck in the house. I'm thinking that this is the best method to try and meet someone. Still "doing life" but instead of running alone on the road now I have a gym membership. Instead of doing work at home, I am at a bookstore or a coffee shop. I haven't been to any mixers but I do occasionally go to bars and meet up with friends that way. I know it isn't the best scenario but it's worth a shot.

Doing the things that you enjoy will help you run into the person that is destined to be in your life. Doing the activities you love and being involved allows you to meet people that have the same interests. Get out there and have fun!
