
Jealousy : an unhappy or angry feeling of wanting to have what someone else has

Do you ever get jealous?
Of course you do! Even if it's a little bit. Someone always has something a little better, a little shinier or a relationship a little happier. You might walk into a cafe and see a couple on their first date, just getting to know each other. You could either think happily for them and remember when you were in those stages of your love life or be jealous of them because you wish you had someone to talk  to. Meanwhile, you are doing work on your laptop for the week ahead.
Someone might have a certain look or style. They might be able to do certain things that you have been trying to do for so long and still haven't accomplished! (in this case me with pull ups)

Wanting things... 
A man to spend the rest of my life with. To live through the good, the bad, and the ugly with. A companion to share moments with.
A place I can call my own and be proud of, that I earned.
A career

Wants V.s. Needs.
All you need is shelter, food and clothing. Everything else will come with time. I know I need to realize what I do have and be content with it before I can be happy with something or someone else that comes into my life.
