
Puzzle pieces scattered all over the room

My brain has been everywhere lately. I'm concentrating on teaching my classes. They are fun and the students (adults) are supportive when I am unsure about something. (we are all human right?!)
I try to support them as much as I can and provide them with all of the resources necessary to pass this test. School sucks and I will be in it for life if I continue this career.
I need to find a full time job...
I need to budget this way I can move out...
So basically money is on my mind, as a distraction I go on silly apps to find dates to go on. I also go to church and realize how unfulfilled I am with dating.

This picture is exactly me because I have post-its everywhere trying not to forget what I have to do, what I want to do.
Everything in life seems to meet up with everything else. Without one thing you can't have the other.
I'm trying to meet the needs of myself like working out, eating right and keeping the Lord center. All the while trying to incorporate turning my job into a career, keeping family close and my friends I feel have vanished. What seems like a month has probably been a couple of weeks. Not seeing my friends has been tough. I keep family closer than friends. I've been more interested in meeting new people rather than just sticking with the people I know.
I don't seem to be clicking with them anymore. Things change through the years. We can't always keep our friends forever. They come and go. The hardest part is recognizing that and moving on. I recently had to disconnect from a friend I had for over twenty years. A weight had been lifted and although he is missing, I keep him in mind all the time.
I just ask for that one person that I can go out with to have a beer and talk about dating, experience, and provide advice in hopes that I can do the same for this person without needing to be someone I'm not. I don't want to try to impress anyone. This person can be a guy or girl.
