My Plate is Full

This is a new year with many things that I would like to accomplish. I have written them down in my journal and praying that I will have the time and strength to meet all of these goals. Many have been coming together within the first month of January. In my last post I wrote briefly about not being in a relationship. Getting through the new year (that one day) was a little discouraging. Thinking about being single for this entire year crossed my mind but I wasn't willing to give up just yet. I will give props to for connecting me with the most wonderful man. I couldn't have dreamt of a better match. 
Life comes full circle. My roommates and I have all met special people to keep in our lives. We are all happy and involved which makes it great table talk! We can discuss our happy moments and what we are questioning. It's nice to be going through the motions of life with other people close to you. I would have never thought this would be like this. I love it!
I am truly closer to God more so than ever. I'm allowing Him to be the foundation in my relationship and it's been exhilarating. I say this because around this time last year I was dating someone and so many questions came to mind. Does he want a relationship? Is he seeing other people besides me? What type of goals does he have? Where will a relationship with this man take me?
Because I have a stronger foundation now, I am able to pray and put this in the Lord's hands. I don't feel pressured to make decisions at certain times. I am also bringing down my walls and allowing myself to be vulnerable. I think this is super important; it shows trust and confidence (something I need practice with). What amazes me is that His plan is divine and whether we are ready or not, we will take that plunge and confide in the Lord to bring us where we need to be and trust He will lead us to the right person.
Right now I have Luna, my germane shepherd, who has anxiety and will begin training this week. My job is requesting more of my time that I would like to spend with this special person I am so lucky to have in my life. My family and friends need some attending to. I can't forget about myself, my health and making sure I'm getting the time I need to make myself happy. Although I'm happy with my loved ones, I need those little windows of time to destress and stop thinking.
Here's to clearing my plate!
Praying for Your New Relationship
