A little Inspiration

I needed a little inspiration this morning. (Don't we all at times?) Let's give a little background of the past 2 weeks of work. I've been filled with so many tasks that I've been putting my actual job on the back burner. 
This sums it up:

Now back to the inspiration I needed this morning.
I've been thinking of ways to compliment my resume with all of the things that I've done. All I can really think of are the things that I haven't done and the fact that I don't know the "right" people to get me the job I want.
Then I watched this TedTalk How to find and do work you love
* Why are you doing the work that you are doing?

1. Understand Self
unique strengths + Values + experiences = Definition of success
If we don't know what we are looking for, we are never going to find it.

2. Do the impossible- push your limits
"You are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with."

3. Surround yourself with passionate people.
"First they IGNORE you, then they LAUGH at you, then they FIGHT you, then YOU win." 
- Mahatma Gandhi

Watching this made me want to just stop everything I'm doing right now and start over. 
I miss the days I used to sit at Barnes and Noble with a friend of mine; we'd just sit and talk about our problems trying to find ways to be better in life.
From that moment he was able to move from the area, grow and put his effort into his passion : Skydiving. I just went from having 2 part time jobs to having a full time job in the same place.
Some may say we both grew but in different ways. From my perspective my friend is the one that is winning. He's happy meeting different people each day and whether the money is there or not, he's doing what he loves.

I watched another TedTalk Go with your gut feeling
The basic message here = Success is the freedom to do what you want to do.
Gut feeling
Leap of faith
stay motivated; stay dedicated; Don't worry about that others think.

All in all, I'm the type of person that thinks a lot and I look for advice more so than "approval" from others. That advice can be hazardous and steer me in other directions. I have great ideas and thoughts on how to start anew, then all of the "buts" "what ifs" come to mind. Do I have the money? What will be the end result? Instead of thinking: "This will be a great experience!"

I leave you with this thought:

